Exponential Functions: math exp

python exponential function

In the same way, you can also find the exponential values of a multi-dimensional array. Here you will also use numpy exponential function numpy.exp() function is used to calculate the exponential value of the single element. In Python, the “math.exp()” function of the “math” module is used to calculate the exponent power of the numeric values such as “int” and “float”.

In Python, we have an exponentiation operator, which is one of the ways to calculate the exponential value of the given base and exponent values. So, in this case, we are just passing the single element as the parameter here, so this exp() function will calculate its exponential value. In this short post, you’ll learn how to calculate exponents and logarithms in Python. You can also find the exponential of all the elements of a 1D Numpy array. Just pass the whole array as an argument to the exp() function.

Approximation data by exponential function on Python

In mathematics, a number’s exponential value results from that number being multiplied by itself a certain number of times. The base is the integer multiplied by itself, and the exponent is the number of times it will be multiplied. In this example, we are creating a single-dimension array and using the exp() function to get the exp values of elements.

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As the pow() function first converts its argument into float and then calculates the power, we see some return type differences. It is advisable to use pow(5,3,2) instead of pow(5,3)%2 because the efficiency is more here to calculate the modulo of the exponential value. Although Python doesn’t use the method of squaring but still shows complexity due to exponential increase https://traderoom.info/alpari-forex-broker/ with big values. The time complexity of calculating the exponential value by squaring is O(Log(exponent)). Note − This function is not accessible directly, so we need to import math module and then we need to call this function using math static object. The number to be multiplied by itself is called the base and the number of times it is to be multiplied is the exponent.

What is Python “math.exp()” Function?

Exponent and logarithm functions are imported from the math module which is part of the Python Standard Library. This means all the functions in the math module are available in any Python installation. Python’s “Math” module is a powerful tool that allows you to perform mathematical operations and calculations in the code. It provides a wide range of functions, constants, and methods that can help you solve complex problems and make your code more efficient.

  • In the following code, the “math.exp()” function of the math module takes the integer value, i.e., 90, as an argument and returns the exponent value.
  • Let’s use a 2-Dimensional array and get the exponential values for all elements in the array.
  • This math.pow() function can also calculate the exponential value in Python.
  • These values can be of different data types, including integers, float, and complex.

Some other parameters are also there where and out but we will discuss more about the basic parameter it takes. This function returns an array containing all the exponential values of all elements of the input array. In the above lines of code,, we are creating one array named mayor, which will hold some elements inside it. For creating an array, we are using the array() function provided by the numPy library in Python.

Find the Exponential Values of Multiple Elements of 1-D Array

You can also notice the differences between the original and exponential arrays. In the example below, the non-numeric value is passed inside the “math.exp()” function. The above output shows the exponent power of the negative integer “90”. Suppose we have an array of logarithmic values with base 2, and we want to convert them to logarithms with base 4.

python exponential function

So we can use these elements inside an array or a single element. In the above example, we are using arrange function to work with a 2d array in Python, but in order to use it, we have to import numPy in our program. This function will create one 2d array for us, followed by the exp() function. We just need to pass the 2d array inside the function to get the exponential values of the array elements. Now we know that we use NumPy exponential function to get the exponential value of every element of the array. This array can be of any type single, two, three, or multidimensional array.


The first method for calculating exponential value in python is using loops. The math.exp() method returns E raised to the power of x (Ex). In Mathematics, the exponential value of a number is equivalent to the number being multiplied by itself a particular set of times. In this example, we are calculating the exp value of the decimal elements by using the exp() function. In this example, we are creating a 2d array, but now we are using exp2() function.

How do you write exponential in Numpy Python?

  1. #Syntax of numpy.exp() numpy.
  2. import numpy as np # get the exponential Value of single element arr = np.
  3. # Create an 1D input array arr = [2, 5, 8] # Get the exponential values of multiple elements of 1-d array arr2 = np.
  4. # creating an 2D input array arr = np.

You can approximate the input values using the approximation functions. The most commonly used approximation is linear, polynomial, and exponential. In this final section, we’ll learn how to plot the resulting arrays of the np.exp() function to see how it behaves. We can create a finely spaced array using the np.linspace() function to create a linear space, which we can pass into the function. In Mathematical terms, an exponent refers to a number that is placed as a superscript of a number. It says how many times the base number is to be multiplied by itself.

What library is exponential in Python?

The Python Math Library comes with the exp() function that we can use to calculate the power of e . For example, ex, which means the exponential of x. The value of e is 2.718281828459045.